Regular school attendance is an important part of giving children the best possible start in life. The aim should be to attend 100% of the time. Students who miss school frequently can fall behind with their work and do less well in exams. Good attendance also shows potential employers that a young person is reliable.

If you have any concerns about your child’s attendance or wish discuss what support the school can provide please contact the attendance team on 01535 272752 option 1
Attendance officer
Alison Gawthorp – or
Attendance officer for home visits
Julie Parry –
Extended Leave
Parkside states that any holidays during school time are not to be considered, as it is a period of learning missed for the child.
The school reserves the right to look at individual cases or exceptions to this on compassionate grounds or other unforeseen family crises. On these occasions, the family must contact the school in advance of any travel arrangements being made and must have authorisation from the school.
Any extended leave or holidays taken without the authorisation of the school will be referred to the Attendance Officers to follow up in a formal way with appropriate warnings or fines applied.
Medical / Sickness Procedures
If your child feels ill during lessons, they should ask their class teacher to contact on tour. On tour will be able to ensure the correct support is provided.
If they feel ill at other times or are unable to speak to your class teacher, students should see their student support leader or progress leader.
Students should not be messaging/ringing their parents without speaking to a member of staff. This is to ensure that the correct support is put in place.
Existing Medical Conditions
If your child has any existing medical conditions it is important that school is made aware of these.