Parkside School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, volunteers, contractors and visitors to share this commitment. At Parkside School there are clear policies and procedures in place which every member of staff must be familiar with. If staff have a concern regarding a child, they should discuss this with the Designated Safeguarding Lead.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mrs Sara Phillip and Miss Waterman is a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL). Mrs Atkinson and Mr Cariss are further DDSL’s. The DSL takes lead responsibility for child protection and wider safeguarding (including online safety and understanding the filtering and monitoring systems which are in place). Child protection refers to the actions we take if a child has or is at risk of suffering significant harm. Abuse (sexual, physical, emotional) and neglect can seriously impact a child’s physical and mental health, education, and well-being.
During term time, the DSL will be available during school hours for staff to discuss any safeguarding or child protection concerns. The DSL will decide what action should be taken. Options can include managing the situation in school, completing an Early Help Assessment or seeking advice from Bradford Children Families Trust (Child Social Care). If the DSL is absent or unavailable the DDSL will act as cover. If the DSL and DDSL’s are not available, the Headteacher will act as cover (for example, during out-of-hours/out-of-term activities).
The Safeguarding Team can be contacted by calling main reception on 01535 272752 and ask for a member of the Safeguarding Team or by sending an email to
If you think a child is being harmed, you must not keep these concerns to yourself. If have any safeguarding concerns regarding a pupil at Parkside School, outside of school hours you can contact Bradford Children’s Family Trust on 0800 9530966 during working hours or Emergency Duty Team – 01274 431010 outside of these hours.
If case of an urgent mental health need, please call First Response on 0800 952 1181 or NHS on 111 or Ambulance on 999.
If you have reason to believe that a child is at immediate risk of harm contact the police on 999.
Designated Safeguarding Leads:
Miss Nuala Waterman
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
07435 981155
Mrs Jenny Atkinson
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Deputy Headteacher
Mr Chris Cariss
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Child in Care Lead
Online Safety – Filtering and monitoring.
It is essential that children are safeguarded from potentially harmful and inappropriate online material. At Parkside we use Smoothwall Monitor Managed Service, this is a real-time, proactive digital monitoring solution that provides school with a 24/7/365 human moderated service. A small program runs silently on all computers on the school network monitoring all keystrokes. The keystrokes are analysed in real-time with any concerning words or phrases being reviewed initially by an artificial intelligence system before being escalated to a human moderator where necessary. Urgent detections are communicated to the school within minutes. In addition to the proactive alerts, all detections can be viewed by authorised members of the school Safeguarding Team using a secure online portal providing a helicopter view all users and devices.
Online Safety – Parents and Carers.
Parkside School is committed to helping keeping children safe online. They do this through the PHCSE Curriculum and by providing advice and guidance when issue arise. In addition, we send out via email regular online safety guides for parents and carers, which are provided free through a project called #Wake Up Wednesdays.
Wake Up Wednesdays
Since its inception, ‘Wake up Wednesday’ has formed a fundamental part of online safety provision. Each week (on Wednesdays, naturally) a colourful, easy-to-follow and insightful guide to an aspect of the digital universe that’s causing concern, outlining related risks and suggesting ways to help children avoid them is released.
Every guide is compiled with input from some of the most respected professionals and organisations in their field: Leicestershire and Greater Manchester Police, for instance, plus experts from the spheres of mental health, education, technology, gaming and more. The involvement of these hugely credible collaborators means that teachers, parents and carers can embrace ‘Wake up Wednesday’ as a trusted voice in the safeguarding arena.
Online Safety
In this section you will find to useful links to reporting tools that can help both parents and students to report instances of online abuse, exploitation, or harmful content, both in and outside of school.
If you’ve experienced or witnessed harm online we can help. Report Harmful Content can help you to report harmful content online by providing up-to-date information on community standards and direct links to the correct reporting facilities across multiple platforms.
Report Remove
Help for young people under 18 in the UK to confidentially report sexual images asnd videos of themselves and remove them from the internet.
Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP)
CEOP aim to help protect children and young people from online child sexual abuse.