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Coaching System

Our Coaching groups are vertical and consist of around ten to twelve pupils and one member of staff, which most including a co-coach who is a member of the sixth form.

When pupils arrive on a Monday morning, their first period is spent with their Coaching group. This is called a ‘check-in’ session. This circle-based session allows all pupils to be fully informed of key events and opportunities happening in school, through the sharing of either the Parkside Press (our internal newsletter) or ParksideTV. Pupils can also share updates from their weekends.

On Wednesday afternoons, coaching groups meet for a ‘check up’ session, to look at PSHCE topics such as careers, finance, health and wellbeing, citizenship and topical events. This is also an opportunity for a larger gathering for a vertical year group assembly.

On a Friday, Coaching groups will meet for their last period of the day. This is a time for pupils to discuss their achievements from the week and review current targets, ensuring they are best aligned to make the most of formal and enriched learning opportunities. The Friday Coaching session is also a chance for a community builder – pupils can have fun whilst developing relationships within the group.

Role of the Coach

The ‘coach’ – the member of staff in each Coaching group – ensures every pupil has a ‘trusted adult ’ to provide ongoing care and encouragement.

As well as being the main point of contact for a pupil, they are also there to support the parent/carer. Coaches develop strong relationships with pupils’ families, and meet with parents/carers twice a year at ‘Meet Your Coach’ evenings. These evenings (which are in addition to the traditional parents/carers evenings with teaching staff) will provide an excellent opportunity to develop strong pastoral relationships between the school and home.

In addition to a member of staff who is the lead coach, most groups have a post 16 ‘co-coach’ who has been trained in supporting or even leading a group if required. This is a good opportunity for students to work more closely with post 16 students and see strong role models for the future.