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Careers Education and Guidance

At Parkside, Careers Education and Guidance is provided to all students from Year 7 through to Sixth Form. We believe that excellent CEIAG connects learning by preparing pupils for future success in education, employment, or training. It motivates young people by giving them high quality careers guidance of the routes to jobs and careers that they will find engaging and rewarding.

Excellent CEIAG widens pupils’ horizons, challenges stereotypes, and raises aspirations. It provides pupils with the knowledge and skills necessary to make successful transitions to the next stage of their life, in becoming well rounded young people. All pupils will receive unbiased information about the potential next steps, whilst receiving good quality, meaning opportunities to encounter the world of work.

Careers Programme for Years 7-13

The careers programme for students in Years 7-11 is integrated into our Personal Development programme. Careers lessons are designed and created by the career’s leader, and then delivered by teaching staff. The program also involves assemblies, careers-themed drop-down days, and collaborations with external partners such as employers and motivational speakers. Students receive a structured programme through PSHCE, coaching sessions, sector-specific workshops, enterprise activities, career guidance interviews, and career enhancement weeks. Post 16 students receive a structured and bespoke programme tailored to their individual needs. For example, apprenticeship workshops, WEX, sector insights and bespoke employer led programmes.

There is also a focus on delivery within curriculum subject areas, helping students identify subject-related pathways and develop employability skills. A designated CEIAG faculty lead highlights jobs and employability skills for every topic within that subject area. Partnerships with STEM organisations and local businesses provide innovative learning opportunities to supplement this.

Evaluation, Monitoring, and Review

Our careers programme is constantly evolving to better meet the needs of our students. The careers policy is reviewed and evaluated regularly, and destination data helps us monitor student progression and the impact of our CEIAG provision. We also gather ongoing feedback and evaluations throughout the year, putting students and parents at the centre of any decisions made regarding our program. Teachers and other stakeholders are also involved in the process.

Our Careers Team

Our dedicated careers team includes a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) responsible for careers, a Senior Careers Leader, and an external Careers Advisor who provide independent information, advice, and guidance to students. This team provides impartial advice and guidance to all students from Year 7 to Year 13.

Personalized Advice and Guidance Services

Our services include but are not restricted to:

  • One-to-one guidance sessions
  • Support with applications to further education, apprenticeships, and pathways to higher education
  • Support for students in Year 9 to make choices for their GCSEs
  • Ongoing support before and after results day regarding post-16 & post 18 options to help students make their personal pathway choices when they leave us.
  • Career-related learning opportunities through workshops, taster days, trips, visits, careers fairs, and in-school speakers and events
  • Drop-down days and lessons to develop career management skills

Employer Engagement

Employer engagement at Parkside focuses on:

  • Providing first-hand experiences of the workplace to help students explore career opportunities and expand their networks.
  • Developing employability skills in response to the demands of the local area
  • Creating opportunities for skill development through partnerships with employers
  • Helping to develop the concepts of enterprise and innovation within our students

At Parkside, we are dedicated to supporting our students in making the best decisions for their future and achieving their career goals. We support students in becoming valuable members of society who are respectful, resilient, and always ready to learn.

If you have any questions or would like to support us by offering a workplace visit, delivering a workshop, guest speaking, or other opportunities, please contact me at: or call 01535 270100.